Shutdown Averted. Another Looms, with More to Come
Well, a week ago, at the last minute as usual, Congress avoided a government shutdown, but there is another deadline looming, and certainly more after that.
The House decided to split up funding for different agencies, so instead of just one “continuing resolution” there are several, translating into a crisis a week. In addition, it’s looking less and less likely that bills for the next fiscal year will be finished before the September 30 deadline, so we’ll have to do this all over again. The last year a budget was passed on time was when Bill Clinton was President.
The normal dysfunction is being compounded by election year politics, so there will certainly be more chaos ahead. This week’s “Super Tuesday” week made it clear that it will be another Biden v. Trump election despite significant disapproval ratings for both of them. Majorities in both the House and Senate will also be determined in November, so we’ll see where we are a year from now.
WineAmerica Happy Hour at EWE
Attending Eastern Winery Exposition 2024?
We hope you will join us for a happy hour reception on March 13th at 5pm. Michael Kaiser and Tara Good will be pouring wine from several of our east coast member wineries. We would love to meet you and discuss the issues that are important to your business. Oncenter, meeting room 6.
Bring a bottle of your own! As much as we enjoy discussing policy, we also enjoy tasting wine from all over the country!
WineAmerica members and non-members are welcome to attend.
Hope to see there!
Vital Associations: Wine Market Council
During my many years at the New York Wine & Grape Foundation, I had the pleasure of sitting on the Board of Directors of the Wine Market Council, a unique market research organization serving our industry. Here’s more information from Dr. Liz Thach, MW, the group’s President.
About: A non-profit scientific wine research organization established in 1996, headquartered in Napa, CA.
Mission: To be the leader in forward looking market research on U.S. wine consumer buying habits, attitudes and trends.
Members: As a non-profit, we are powered by members with an interest in advancing the U.S. wine market and industry. Members include: wineries, growers, distributors, importers, trade associations (regional, state, and country), and affiliates (universities, banks, PR/marketing firms, consultants, etc.)
Benefits of Membership: Benefits to becoming a member include access to:
The Longest Running U.S. Wine Consumer Survey in the World
Research on Latest Consumer Trends
Annual Conference
Research Webinars
Reports, Presentations & Recordings
Data Files
A Powerful Industry Network
27 Year Track Record
Testimonial from WMC member: “Wine Market Council data is well respected, which helps our organization to develop new brand campaigns we are considering.”
Annual Dues: Membership starts as low as $400 per year for access to webinars and reports, and as low as $1000 per year including data files – depending on the size and category of your organization.
To Join: